Tell us your story for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes, send an essay of 150 words ,
min of 200 max to [email protected]
Contest ends Aug 31st, 2014.
This will be our 3rd annual domestic violence campaign ...and we are very thankful for our sponsors and friend for their support.
Be aware of domestic violence, stop the silence
min of 200 max to [email protected]
Contest ends Aug 31st, 2014.
This will be our 3rd annual domestic violence campaign ...and we are very thankful for our sponsors and friend for their support.
Be aware of domestic violence, stop the silence
Signs Of A Abusive Relationship
Controlling your life and freely living theirs Excessive jealousy and possessive acts
Keeping you isolated from friends, to only depend on them. Forces you to have sex
Showing up at your job, sabotaging your job Destroy your belongings
Making sure you don't have money Threatens to hurt kids or pets
Hanging out with girls or guys of their choice ,but you cant Threatens to kill you if you leave
Mental & or Physical abuse Takes away your personal things when mad
Calls your phone all day and night when you are gone. Has you on eggshell's, afraid to say or do anything
Make you expain where you go ,who you talk to and see. Mentally nagging for long periods of time
Threatens people who look at you Waking you up to talk and stressing you out,repeatedly
Intimidating, threat's, humiliate you Destroying your future career ,to keep you helpless
Blame you for their abusive actions Repeatedly hurting you ,then apologizing
Embarrass you in front of friends, family or in public Beating as if its a punishment
There are millions of reasons that an abuser has for their actions, and domestic violence is not an easy situation for anyone , even after the relationship is over..people,friends & family ,etc say get help and get out, but for the most part where is it to go, do you really have reliable source's, and if you have children , how easy is it to get food/ food stamps,shelter,& money.. all these things and more ,one has to consider. because many who fail end up going back.
Keep this in consideration.
FYI- If you are in a domestic situation and call the police and need to leave " threaten situation" they can take you to a shelter, and the shelter has to make room for you.
If you leave on your own it is hard to get into a shelter as a walk in , because most are full.
Keeping you isolated from friends, to only depend on them. Forces you to have sex
Showing up at your job, sabotaging your job Destroy your belongings
Making sure you don't have money Threatens to hurt kids or pets
Hanging out with girls or guys of their choice ,but you cant Threatens to kill you if you leave
Mental & or Physical abuse Takes away your personal things when mad
Calls your phone all day and night when you are gone. Has you on eggshell's, afraid to say or do anything
Make you expain where you go ,who you talk to and see. Mentally nagging for long periods of time
Threatens people who look at you Waking you up to talk and stressing you out,repeatedly
Intimidating, threat's, humiliate you Destroying your future career ,to keep you helpless
Blame you for their abusive actions Repeatedly hurting you ,then apologizing
Embarrass you in front of friends, family or in public Beating as if its a punishment
There are millions of reasons that an abuser has for their actions, and domestic violence is not an easy situation for anyone , even after the relationship is over..people,friends & family ,etc say get help and get out, but for the most part where is it to go, do you really have reliable source's, and if you have children , how easy is it to get food/ food stamps,shelter,& money.. all these things and more ,one has to consider. because many who fail end up going back.
Keep this in consideration.
FYI- If you are in a domestic situation and call the police and need to leave " threaten situation" they can take you to a shelter, and the shelter has to make room for you.
If you leave on your own it is hard to get into a shelter as a walk in , because most are full.
Sponsors Needed And Wanted Please Call 210-823-5477
Domestic Violence Campaign 2013
Soul Artist Jureesa Mc Bride share's her story & pictures on domestic violence.
Due to the nature of her incident some pictures are not shown yet.
The Duchess sends us pictures as she receives a gift from I Luv What I Do Tv & W.I.N.O.R
Congratulation's To Our 2012 Winner's
1st place Niroma Johnson , 2nd place Logan Winn, 3rd place Linda ???
Check out a snippet of the story below ...
Logan Winn
Niroma JohnsonI was born in raised in Brooklyn NY, the oldest of six children. I had to help raise my siblings at the age of nine so I was forced to think like an adult. It was back in the sixties so I had to change diapers, sterilize bottles, etc. etc. I grew up feeling like a black Cinderella, with no glass slipper. This is where low-self worth and low-self esteem kicked in. So I began a journey of fantasy and looking for the love I needed from my mother. My grandmother raised me until I was about 9 years of age.
So when I became a teenager, I started to rebel and search outside of the house. I was molested by teenager who was a female, then raped by boys as a teenager and had sex young. I still was searching and had no clue on what love was. I thought I had to have sex with boys in order for them to like me. I allowed boys to misuse and abuse me, verbally and physically. I thought that my boyfriend cared about me if he hit me until I had teeth knocked out and black eyes. I continued to accept abuse until the age of 44. I was married twice and started going to counseling and domestic violence. I learned what love really was and how to love myself enough not to accept abuse anymore. I am single, a comedian,mother and a grandmother who by the Grace of God, does not accept abuse from no one, and especially not a man. I want to share this with young woman who have no clue and live in the same pain and fear I did for years. |
You think that you know your man, your husband. I live with this man for 12 years before we were married. And within the first year of marriage, it started to fall apart. Society calls it midlife crisis. I call it being insecure of his masculinity. Face on. He was a man that all my friends and family adored and looked up to. And they would expressed to me how blessed I was to have such a terrific man. A great family man, provider, and a respectful deacon of the church. Well it was a mask, and he conned us all. He covered his deceitfulness very well. I was not prepared or equipped for the unforeseen crisis of Mental Abuse that caused me to become vulnerable in the unexpected events that followed. Our home was where family and friends gathered for holiday dinners, and parties. To others we seem like the perfect couple. But it was a massacre waiting to explode. After receiving a big promotion and raise, his whole attitude changed. Face off. The more money he made the more arrogant, hateful, and harsh be became. I was now the wife that was below his standards. His new top priority was now, status and popularity. The new friends, clothes, sports car and women.I felt that I failed my children and myself. The mental pain began to take total control of my daily life. Severely depressed, frustrated and discouraged over my crisis that caused such devastating effects on my mental stability. I cried and ask myself. Why me. What am I going to do? I had no clue how to regain my sanity. No one could know and feel the pain that I was going through. I cried out and prayed. “I could do all things through Christ that strengthens me“. Face on. I had to reach deep down into the pit of my soul to regain the strength to fight and take back my dignity, self esteem, and independence. Today, I am divorced, and own my own home |
And What Does Pantheress have To Say
Sponsor's & Board Members 2013
Cherryrich Publishing, llc
RichKid Radio, Richkid Productions Roll With Pantheress TV, Mz. Pantheress Freehansolor- Author Of Legendary Bass Player-Mark Adams Garland Green- Legendary Artist G.E Productions- Promotions Gino Wilson- D.J & Sound Engineer Harriett Gafar- Admin @ Boogie Report Jim Smith Jr- NAACP Nominee & Author Lenny Williams- Legendary Artist, Song Writer Lisa Lockhart-Media Patrick Jones - Pastor WINOR Experience, non-profit organization Thanks To Our Past Sponsors 2012 Capital Records, PR Paula Moffett R&B Artist & Guitarist,Co-Founder : Klymaxx-Cheryl Cooley Award Winning Guitarist & Recording Artist,President/ Founder : The Keeper Of The Sheep Awards-BB Queen Fashion Designer, Jazmin Brown France Recording Artist, Nina Van Horn Author/R&B Artist, IndianSpice Legendary R&B Artist, Peggy Scott Adams Advertising Artist, Guy Shepard Sag Actress, Sharri Jones Professional Comedienne/Author, Lady Tuezdae Professional Comedian/Author, D.Militant |